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Budget planning and monthly monitoring meetings to ensure financial viability and security now and into the future.

Our finance team work closely with headteachers and their governing bodies to ensure that our budgets balance, and that future projections and forecasts are as accurate as possible. They give clear and professional advice on where any savings could be made and work diligently with headteachers to produce cost effective, working budgets that benefit the students.

Payroll services are held centrally and invoices handled by the Trust central team.

Pay slips are sent out electronically on a monthly basis and they provide pension reports and give advice when appropriate. Invoices are handled by schools and submitted to the Trust for payment electronically.



Annual auditing and compliance checks.

The finance team deal with all finance audits and ensure that the trust and our schools comply with all ESFA regulations and guidance.

Contracts and procurement of services advice including applications for grants and submitting bids.

The finance team give advice to all schools on the best value for money in regard to services and procurement as well as support for any bids or grant applications that schools may wish to submit.